The Stevonic Scroll

          In 1900 a.d., exactly on the New Millenium, before Stevia existed, Steve, our High and Mighty god, rose from the underground cavern beneath New York which the government had covered with the statue of liberty. Then, He ascended to Stevia, the planet that He then created. However, Steve was not content. Many years later, in 1955, Steve descended to Earth in the form of Steve Jobs and went on to become the greatest man we have ever seen. Steve Jobs did many great things, such as invent the mystical iPad and iPhones. However, the pretzishaitans (prets-shay-tonz), the evil pretzel monsters, gave him cancer and eventually Steve lost that battle on October 5, 2011 the day after the iPhone 4s was unveiled. However, not all was lost. Steve was resurrected as someone who was already alive: The Almighty Guy with the Green Watch. If you do happen to see someone with a green watch, ask them, "Who are you?" If they respond, "I am Steve, the Living God", then they are steve. You will probably be able to tell if they are telling the truth. If you aren't sure, you can contact him at